Imagine this...A community where everyone is included, valued, and contributing in meaningful roles.

How can we help you right now?

  • A selection of stationery

    Finding a School

    Inclusion is a concept that is often misrepresented and can be confusing, especially in the context of education. Browse our collection of resources about Inclusive Education.

    Read more about inclusive education.
  • Finding Employment

    We know it is not always easy for people with disability to find meaningful and valued work roles that pay award wages, but we know it is possible.

    Read more about employment and microenterprise .
  • Sean and his friends drinking beer at the pub

    A Place to Call Home

    Home is unique to the person and should be somewhere to relax and unwind. It's important to respect the person’s preferences of where and with whom they live.

    Read more about finding a place to call home.
  • Cameron and his mentor

    Getting the Support Right

    It's ideal to seek support from the community but community support often needs to be complemented by paid support. We explore how to get the balance right in this section.

    Read more about finding the right supports.
  • Young man serving at retail checkout.

    Social Role Valorisation

    The more roles a person has, and the more valued those roles are, the more likely that person is to have the good things in life. Social Role Valorisation teaches us why.

    Read more about social role valorisation.
  • A group of people gathered in a circle in a living room

    NDIS Self Management

    Do you self-manage your NDIS funding? Why would you do something that requires such a high degree of management? Is it really better than the alternatives?

    Read more about self-managing your NDIS plan.

We want people with a disability to…

  • Live a Valued Life

    We envisage a community in which people with disability and their families are confident and empowered to build supports and networks needed to live valued and included lives.

  • Enjoy Social and Economic Participation

    We are working to create a community which welcomes and values the participation and contribution of people with disability in social and economic life.

  • Fulfil Their Leadership Potential

    We want to see a community where people with disability, their families and supporters are able to be leaders in their own lives, their families and their communities.

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Success Stories

I just wanted to let you know that the first workshop was absolutely fantastic and has generated a lot of thoughts and practical implications
Read more about feedback from event attendees.