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Event Reviews
Family leadership
Independent Living
Local success stories
Media releases
Restrictive Practices
Team News
Projects and grants
- Once funky, always funky
- Every student can contribute
- Job Supporter Induction Package
- Our experience in setting up a food-based micro-enterprise
- Anne Keep
- Tim Bavinton
- Carolina Albornoz
- Cathy McMahon
- Animated explainer video series about Customised Employment
- Chris Oates
- Emma Davidson MLA
- Markus Zellner
- Cameron Zellner
- Karen Caldwell
- Libby Ellis
- Jan Kruger
- Bernadette Esplin
- Laura Esplin
- Linda Hughes
- Rebecca Altaffer
- Sheree Henley
- Kim Roots
- Darcy Elks
- Sally Aubrey
- Valen Litster
- Ann Greer
- Kane Morgan
- Helen Neale
- Janet Klees
- What families who use Social Role Valorisation (SRV) do well
- Cathy Ludlum
- Helen Connolly
- Paul Kruger
- Josey McMahon
- Sarah Faulkner
- Stacey Bell
- Jo Massarelli
- Margaret Ward
- Safeguarding the future speaker resources
- Resources for Customised Employment
- It’s my turn now
- Living the dream and creating a life full of possibility
- Customised Employment in the Australian system
- Don’t believe everything you think
- Our Discovery journey with Milly
- Customised Job Development: A creature of habit no more
- Developing roles that align with Jessie’s interests and contributions
- Daisy’s school to work journey
- Will at work
- Who are you? The evolving role of Job Supporter – Part 1
- Working this out together
- Discovering micro enterprise: exploring possibilities
- Creating a microenterprise to explore Sethmi’s interests
- How Customised Employment enabled Ryan to surpass everyone’s expectations
- Who are you? The evolving role of Job Supporter – Part 2
- Tips, tussles, and traps
- How Gus found himself a second job through his community connections
- Opening Opportunities Conference presentations
- The intrinsic limitations of paid support
- Succession: My family’s story: Who’s next?
- The rationale for social integration
- How Tom moved into his own apartment
- Why we believe in the value of Inclusive Education
- Clarity of vision
- Being part of it (Connecting with community)
- Behaviour or communication?
- Your child, your family, and early childhood intervention
- Making the most of therapy
- Riding the rapids from Kindy to Year 12
- The Essential Worker
- Sethmi’s journey of school inclusion
- The Early Years
- Engaging with employers and customising roles
- Interpersonal identification
- Supporting home with NDIS core funding
- Customised Employment: What it is and what it’s not
- Preparing for customised job development
- Self-managing your NDIS plan 2023
- Culturally Valued Analogues and the Conservatism Corollary
- Model coherency
- Work experience: Think outside the gate (for professionals)
- Work experience: Think outside the gate (for families)
- Systematic Instruction
- Don’t settle for “doing something else”
- Doing a good job of getting a good job
- Building a powerhouse team: Families and their support
- The Essential Worker
- Towards mastering the powerhouse team
- Get That Good Life! by supporting new behaviour
- Keeping it real: Relationships and sex education
- Reflections on a journey of school inclusion
- Preparing for when we fall off our perch
- From school to international fashion model
- How to be driven by vision, not fear
- Getting a good start in a good job
- A place to call home: Ageing well
- Creating a good life through meaningful employment
- Think big! Go micro!
- Kindness, connection, and community
- A conversation with John and Jan
- I’m ready for work. Are you?
- Making the most of therapy
- The gift of learning
- Learn. Imagine. Create. Repeat.
- Imagining work
- Discovering work
- Finding work: Getting started
- Finding work: The next steps
- Developing a visual resume for work
- How to be driven by Vision, not fear
- Reflections on a journey of school inclusion
- Get That Good Life! by supporting new behaviour
- Towards mastering the powerhouse team
- Get That Good Life! Conference presentations
- My Home, My Way website
- ILO Toolkit
- Cameron Zellner
- The Hon Bill Shorten MP
- Mary Hawkins
- Jannette Kaye Phillips
- Ros Kewley
- Nathan Basha
- Ronny Reichelt
- Gus Reichelt
- James Jeffress
- Rachael Cumming
- Fiona McIntosh
- Jan Kruger
- Corinna Gilligan
- Michelle Wakeford
- Julia Shumaker
- Jack Kruger
- Sethmi Lekamarachchi
- Erosha Bakmiwewa
- Helen Neale
- Dr Jenny Crosbie PhD
- Try Another Way
- Kicking goals: Becoming a soccer referee at age 15
- Anna Coventry
- Will Coventry
- Daisy Brown
- Gillian Brown
- Cassandra Morrow
- Jessie Ward
- Genna Ward
- Simone Whitehead
- Milly Whitehead
- Milton Tyree
- Opening opportunities 23
- Kindness, connection, and community
- Getting a good start in a good job
- The gift of learning
- Think big! Go micro!
- From school to international fashion model
- Creating a good life through meaningful employment
- Protected: Making the most of your funding – Session 3 (March 2023)
- Co-creating employment with Discovery
- The Essential Worker
- Disability and Higher Education in Australia
- Building a powerhouse team: Families and their support
- Doing a good job of getting a good job
- Don’t settle for “doing something else”
- Get That Good Life! Conference 2021
- The Housesitter
- What Home means to me
- About the Get That Good Life! conference
- Get That Good Life! Conference Replay Podcast
- Gus Reichelt
- Max Grinsell-Jones
- Charlie Herbert
- Sethmi Lekamarachchi
- Laura Esplin
- Genna Ward
- Jessie Ward
- Kathryn Lee
- Annie Lee
- Wally Bell
- Fiona McIntosh
- Tim Bavinton
- Jan Kruger
- Anne Keep
- Chloe Reid
- Jane Sherwin
- Erosha Bakmiwewa
- Shelley Moore
- Jacob Bush
- Annette Bush
- Session 3 – September 29, 2021
- Ben Paior-Smith
- Julia Shumaker
- Jack Kruger
- Session 2 – September 22, 2021
- Tom Neale
- Samantha Powell
- Gina Semi
- Tia Semi
- My Home, My Way Resources
- Session 1 – September 15, 2021
- Jodie Reid
- Managing Remote Learning
- Sharon Hammer
- Lisa M Ladson
- Anna Nikolay
- Kate McGinnity, M.S.
- Janet Klees
- Hugh Mackay AO
- Sue Robertson
- Sarah Humphreys
- John Armstrong
- Milton Tyree
- Making the Most of Your Funding Resources
- Session 6 – Monday, August 30
- Session 5 – Monday, August 23
- Session 3 – Monday, August 9
- Session 4 – Monday, August 16
- Session 2 – Monday, August 2
- Session 1 – Monday, July 26
- Get That Good Life! Conference
- The 4 Quadrant Model of Facilitated Learning
- Bringing the Community Along
- Circles of Support – The Facilitator
- Circles of Support – The First Gathering
- Circles of Support – Getting Started
- My Share House
- The Discovery Process
- Moving Out
- Task Analysis
- Clarity of Vision
- What Makes a Good ILP?
- Becoming More Competent
- Using Effective Tools to Build Valued Roles
- Planning Early for Life After School
- Social Inclusion in Primary School
- Nuts and Bolts of Directly Employing
- Amigos – A Bunch of Mates
- Specialist Disability Accommodation
- Vision Statements
- The Importance of Developing a Vision
- The Importance of Developing a Vision
- Jack’s Circle of Support
- Jack’s Bunch of Mates
- Valued Roles in Schools
- Right of the Child to Inclusive Education
- The Power of Peers
- Bringing Down The Fence
- Getting Off the Fence & Getting a Real Life
- A Full and Good Life for Everyone
- Stories of Microenterprise
- Why We Need to Talk About Employment
- Getting a Job While Still at School
- Creating an Equal Opportunity Life
- Introduction to Directly Employing Staff
- NDIS Guide to Self Management
- Self-Managing NDIS Workshop 2014
- Self-Management Under the NDIS
- Self Managing NDIS Webinar
- NDIS Self Management
- Becoming a Housemate
- A Place To Call Home
- Ruth’s Story
- The Answer is Ours to Discover: Cam Can
- The Intern
- Getting Ready for Real Work
- Employment – Nathan Basha
- Customised Employment
- Finding Work Through Connections and Community
- The Essence of a Successful Work Experience
- Employment and Microenterprise
- What It Takes to Craft a Valued Role
- Roles Based Planning
- Why Learn Social Role Valorisation?
- Striving for Inclusion
- Inclusion in a University Setting
- Why We Chose Inclusive Education
- Inclusive Education: The Pathway to Unlocking Potential
- Inclusive Education for All
- Tips for Families from Families
- Transitions from Primary School
- Support Staff Training
- Self-Managed Supports
- Direct your support and live your life
- Roles-based Recruitment
- Getting the Support Right
- Supported Decision Making and the NDIS
- Advocacy and Human Rights
- Advocacy for people with disability
- Students as Communication Partners
- Tips for a Typical Life
- Sibling relationships
- Connecting With Community
- Connecting Through Sport
- Is It Behaviour or Is It Communication?
- The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It
- Let’s Get To Work: The Research Technician
- Let’s Get To Work: Zellner Services
- Let’s Get to Work: The Admin Assistant
- Let’s Get To Work: Pa’s Produce
- Advocating for Inclusive Education – for parents
- Riding the Rapids from Kindy to Year 12
- Planning For Personalised Learning
- Social Role Valorisation
- The Importance of Developing A Vision
- Your Vision
- Inclusive Education
- A Good Life
- Circles of Support
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