Typical Pathways Initiative

Start date: February 2020 Completion date: July 2023

Funded by NDIA - Community Inclusion Capacity Development program

A project aimed at strengthening the skills of families and carers to support people with intellectual disabilities to achieve typical life goals

About the Project

We want to increase the confidence of people with intellectual disabilities and their family supports so they can take action in their own lives.

Proposed Outcomes

Project activities will build on the previous successful work of Imagine More. These activities include:

  • Facilitated peer group meetings
  • Individual consultations for peer group members on a regular or occasional basis
  • Five workshops each year
  • Resource development – podcasts, booklets, digital stories
  • Conferences (theme and location to be confirmed in 2021)
  • Family leadership events
  • A workshop series: Making the Most of Your Funding, and
  • Training in PATH planning  and Social Role Valorisation (SRV)

This grant also provides resources for organisational capacity building. This will allow us to reach a broader audience and positively impact more families. We will be improving:

  • Board and staff capacity
  • Business systems
  • Website accessibility, and
  • Community collaboration

We will also

  • develop peer group and workshop Facilitator guides
  • train our staff in PATH planning
  • conduct Board training, and
  • develop our 2020 – 2023 Strategic Plan.

Project Timeline

  • Feb 2020

    Funding received
  • Dec 2020

    Delivered during 2020


    Self-Managing NDIS Peer Support Group

    Imagining Home Peer Support Group

    Inclusive Education Peer Group

    Employment Peer Support Group

    Family Leadership

    • Crafting Your Story – Part 1
    • Crafting Your Story – Part 2

    Organisational Capacity Building

    • PATH Training – November 23, 2020
  • Mar 2021

    First Quarter Progress

    Peer Support Groups

    We opened the Employment Peer Group (40 members), Imagining Home Peer Group (20 members), and Inclusive Education Peer Group (10 members).


    • Towards a Better Life – A two-day workshop about Social Role Valorisation, presented by John Armstrong
    • Inclusive Education Workshop – presented by the Imagine More Team
    • Building a Context for Relationship – An online workshop presented by Janet Klees

    Family Leadership

    We held three family leadership sessions about Crafting Your Story

  • Jun 2021

    Second Quarter Progress

    Peer Groups

    Our Peer Groups continued to meet during this quarter.

    Making the Most of Your Funding Series

    We launched our first MtM series with 13 participants. This is a six-session series of two-hour workshops.

  • Aug 2021

    Making the Most of Your Funding - Series 2

    We will run our six-session series of face-to-face workshops for a second time.

  • Oct 2021

    The Get That Good Life! Conference

    Our two-day conference will be held live in Canberra.

  • Dec 2021

    Planned for the Second Half of 2021
    • Peer support groups will continue
    • Individual consultations with families
    • Two additional workshops
    • Launch of our podcast
    • Training in PATH Planning
  • Dec 2022

    Planned for 2022
    • Peer Support Groups
    • Individual consultations with families
    • Five workshops
    • Resource development
    • Family leadership events
    • Making the Most of Your Funding Series
    • Training in PATH Planning
  • Jul 2023

    Project Completion