What we do

We want people with disability to enjoy the good things of life. So the work we do is focused on building the capacity of people with disability, their families and supporters.

Peer Support Groups

Our Peer Support Groups provide a place for discussion, troubleshooting, and celebrating success. They are free to join and everyone is welcome.

Learn more about our Peer Support Groups


Our workshops are a popular way for people to learn skills to build capacity in many areas. They also represent another opportunity to network with peers. We often have guest presenters from across Australia and the rest of the world sharing their knowledge with us.

We often capture the content of a workshop on video and it becomes part of our permanent collection of resources.

Learn more about our workshops


There’s nothing quite like a conference for immersing yourself into a topic! We run a conference every 1-2 years. While most have been in-person, our 2020 conference was held online.

Many of our conference sessions have been recorded and are held in our resources section.

Learn more about our conferences