
Imagine More works closely with like-minded capacity-building organisations across Australia to improve the lives of people with disability.

National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations

The logo of the National Alliance of Capacity-Building Organisations The National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations (NACBO) is a national network of not-for-profit, values-based, capacity-building organisations.  They provide information, education and workshops to people, families and their networks on many topics.

Member organisations of NACBO

NACBO Projects

19 Stories of Social Inclusion

19 Stories of Social Inclusion was a collaboration by Belonging Matters, the Melbourne Social Equity Institute (Melbourne University) and members of NACBO. The project invited nineteen Australians with disability (and their networks) to share their lives of connection, belonging and contribution.

The number 19 was chosen as Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities refers to the right to live independently and participate in the community.

Self-Managed Workforce Innovation Project

The Self-Managed Workforce Innovation website explores how self-managed arrangements deliver good outcomes for the person living with disability and the workers involved in their supports.  A series of interviews with support workers, and those that employ them in a self-managed arrangement, are being conducted and will soon be shared through a dedicated website.

These will help people living with disability make informed choices about which support model can best deliver the supports they seek and to attract and retain support workers.

Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education

Australian Coalition of Inclusive Education logoWe are a member of a national coalition of organisations working together to advance Inclusive Education in Australia and across State and Territory education systems. We’ve called ourselves the Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education (ACIE).

ACIE has produced a Roadmap to achieve inclusive education in Australia. It is underpinned by six key pillars to help realise inclusive education in Australia and prevent the violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of students with disability.  These pillars are drawn from the evidence base and embed the rights of students as set out in the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Download the Roadmap for Achieving Inclusive Education in Australia (4MB PDF)