Employment and Microenterprise

Work is how most of us meaningfully spend our days, evenings or weekends. This is how we can contribute, form friendships and even find a life partner. Imagine More believes that all people with disability can work.

Finding Work for People With Disability

We know it is not always easy for people with disability to find meaningful and valued work roles that pay award wages, but we know it is possible.

We have discovered the key to success in employment is when the skills, talents, interests, motivators and strengths of a person with disability are identified that are then matched to a work role. The conditions for workplace success need careful consideration as does the support. This type of employment is often referred to as customised employment.

To customise a job, someone must first identify a collection of tasks that should get done by the current employees but are often forgotten. These tasks can be brought together to create a customised job for a person with disability.

Another option is to establish a Microenterprise. A Microenterprise is a very small business that is simple to start, requires minimal capital and has a viable purpose.

We have many examples of how customised employment and microenterprises have been successful for people with disability .


Essential Resources About Employment and Microenterprise

We've identified these resources as essential reading on this topic. We strongly recommend that you look at these before you browse the resources below.

Resources About Employment and Microenterprise

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