Customised Employment

Dr June Alexander presented sessions 4 and 5 of the Let's Get To Work Virtual Conference in July 2020.

What is Customised Employment?

Customised Employment (CE) is a US system to support employees with disabilities to gain and maintain employment.

It has two fundamental underlying principles

  1. Everyone can work in Open Employment
  2. Those with complex disabilities are disadvantaged by traditional job-seeking practices.

Customised Employment matches a person with disability to the needs of an employer, creating a customised job. It identifies the strengths of a person with a disability through a process called ‘Discovery.’

Additionally, CE includes a job development process and ongoing job training and supports.

CE considers the unique person: their age, type of disability, interests and talents. It also identifies the geographical location of the work, support systems and resources.

Good job matching leads to both individuals and companies enjoying the benefits of CE. which results in employee retention.


Links mentioned in June’s presentations



Other Resources

  • The Job Developer’s Handbook: Practical Tactics for Customized Employment – By Cary Griffin, David Hammis, Tammara Geary, Steve Hall
  • Workplace culture reference: Ellenkamp, J. J. H., Brouwers, E. P. M., Embregts, P. J. C. M., Joosen, M. C. W., &; van Weeghel, J. (2016). Work Environment-Related Factors in Obtaining and Maintaining Work in a Competitive Employment Setting for Employees with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 26(1), 56-69.doi:10.1007/s10926-015-9586-1

Customised Employment Video Resumes

Meet Dr June Alexander

Dr June Alexander PhDDr June Alexander PhD, MDisSt, BAppSc(DD),

  • DipCommServ (FSW), CertIV (AWT)
  • Lecturer at Flinders University
  • Academic Director Learning Programs at Centre for Disability Employment Research and Practice (CDERP)