Developing a visual resume for work

Learn about visual resumes and how they are used in customising employment for people with disability.

This workshop explores visual resumes and how they fit into the Customised Employment framework.

The workshop covers

  • what a visual resume is, and when it is used
  • the key components of a visual resume
  • considerations when developing a visual resume
  • examples of visual resumes
  • creating speaking notes to accompany the visual resume
  • how to get started crafting a visual resume of your own.

The content of this workshop has been derived from the work of Marc Gold & Associates.

The video playing time is 45 minutes.

Other resources about Customised Employment

We strongly recommend that you watch Milton Tyree’s workshop, Co-creating employment with Discovery. It’s available to watch on demand and for free in our employment resources section.

Watch the workshop, Co-creating employment with Discovery

Resources from this presentation

Download the workshop slides (PDF, 3MB)

Download a sample visual resume (PDF, 2MB)

Download a two-page overview of Customised Employment (PDF, 586 KB)

Download a document containing additional information about Visual Resumes (PDF, 90 KB)

Editable Visual Resume template (Canva)