Janet Klees

Janet Klees presented the first pre-conference webinar. Her presentation is called Decision-making in everyday life.

Portrait of Janet Klees

Janet Klees has been involved in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and community allies for about 40 years. For nearly 10 years, Janet has been the Executive Director of the Durham Association for Family Resources and Support (DAFRS) in a region near Toronto, Canada. DAFRS works in partnership with families to imagine, plan, and implement good lives in the community for people with disability. They utilise a principled, family-led, one-person-at-a-time, and SRV-anchored approach.

Prior to this, Janet coordinated the family-governed Deohaeko Support Network of seven families for over twenty years. She credits this work for giving her much of her practical experience.

Janet is a talented writer and has published three books directly rooted in the Deohaeko experience (We Come Bearing Gifts, Our Presence Has Roots, and Deohaeko Decades). She also writes various articles and other documents to support her work and thinking.

Janet continues to meet, share and learn with families and their chosen organisations in many parts of the world, with a focus on

  • principled strategies to bring about roles, relationship, and places of belonging
  • working together with families in real partnership, and
  • helping families to build powerhouse support teams and welcoming, inclusive communities.

Decision-making in everyday life

How can a person with intellectual disability be supported to make decisions – not just the big ones, but the decisions that need to be made in everyday life? After all, the ability to make decisions with confidence and to have these decisions heard, valued, and supported by others can help a person be involved in safeguarding their own life.

In this webinar, Janet Klees helped families and chosen allies understand how to powerfully boost the likelihood that a person with disability will become very involved in making the decisions that govern their lives.

As with most skills, learning how to make decisions is a journey that begins at home. You may be surprised to see what is possible when decision-making capacity is expected and given the opportunity to grow each day in the family home!

Next, Janet gave Australia a preview of a brand-new video from the Recognizing Capacity series. In it, we heard directly from families that have nurtured decision-making skills in their family members and the changes that have unfolded before their eyes. As a result, these families now have more hope and confidence for a better future for their family members.

Finally, Janet discussed the conditions under which a person’s capacity is more likely to be recognised by others, which is another important safeguarding measure.

Janet’s presentations are always packed with memorable stories and practical tips. You’re sure to come away with ideas and action steps that you can immediately implement.

About this session

  • This is the first webinar in our pre-conference webinar series
  • Wednesday, 1 May 2024
  • 9:30 am to 12:00 pm AEST

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