Ann Greer

Ann Greer, Valen Litster, and Sally Aubrey gave a presentation titled "It's a long game: Planning for a great future for Valen in a constantly changing world."

Portrait of Ann Greer

Ann Greer is the parent of three very adult children, two of whom have significant disabilities.  She would rather talk about their attributes than anything else and is so very proud of those three children: Jane, Sally and Valen.

The big challenge now is that she has recently noticed that she has grown elderly – and this makes thinking about the future scary because it turns out the future is now!  She has given a lot of thought to what it will take to safeguard the future of Jane and Valen.

In Ann’s opinion, the most potent safeguard is Sally’s presence in her brother and sister’s lives and her knowledge about what makes them happy and is important to them. This, combined with clear values, is a good combination. Ann doesn’t want Sally and her husband, Tom, to experience the intensive caregiving that Ann and the children’s father, John, experienced. The extended family are currently working to define Sally and Tom’s future roles in the safeguarding continuum. Watch this space!

It’s a long game: Planning for a great future for Valen in a constantly changing world

Valen Litster – a man with a severe communication impairment – opened this session using a slideshow to tell the audience about his present-day life. Val was involved in developing the captions for the slide show with the support of his family and team.

Ann Greer, Valen’s mother, discussed the past experiences, challenges, and strategies that have helped Valen become the happy man and good citizen he is today. With her signature candour, Ann shared her family’s questions and thoughts about Valen’s future when he will need help from people other than his parents.

Sally Aubrey is one of Valen’s two sisters. She discussed her thoughts on growing up in a family where lots of time and attention went elsewhere and her future support of her brother and sister. This plan is not fully formulated but is still under construction.

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