Customised Job Development: A creature of habit no more

In Milton Tyree's second keynote of the conference, he describes the difference between customised employment and the traditional method of finding a job.

Customised Job Development requires developing a new kind of muscle memory. And we likely have competing habits, competing muscle memory, and reflexive habits based on former professional training and experience.

Customised Job Development does not involve job openings, competitive interviews, traditional resumes, or existing job descriptions.

Portrait of Milton TyreeMeet Milton Tyree

Milton has professional and personal experience over decades of helping people with disabilities have strong work roles. He uses the principles of SRV (Social Role Valorisation) as a foundation for his work.

Milton lives in Kentucky in the USA and works with Marc Gold & Associates, the pioneers of Customised Employment. He has run several workshops about customised employment for Imagine More. He has worked closely with us to support families exploring employment.