Title screen of the animated explainer video series about Customised Employment

Imagine More launches new animated video series on employing people with disability

14 May 2024

Canberra-based Imagine More is thrilled to announce the launch of its new animated video explainer series about customising employment for people with disability. These are the latest in a series of online resources available on their website.

The videos are specifically designed for employers, families, schools, and services who are curious about or committed to creating inclusive, sustainable, and well-paid employment opportunities for people with disability.

Customised Employment matches people with disability to customised roles that benefit both the employee and the employer. To ensure a good job match that benefits the business,  Customised Employment uses a completely different approach to traditional hiring practices.

Customised Employment is widely used in the US. In Australia, authentic Customised Employment is still an emerging practice, which is why Imagine More has developed the videos.

Developed in collaboration with Resourcing Inclusive Communities (NSW) and Community Resource Unit (QLD), the animated videos feature the real-life journeys of three local people with disability who have successfully used Customised Employment. Each story highlights how their unique interests, skill sets, and ideal working conditions were identified and matched with employers who appreciate and value their contributions to the success of the business.

“Traditional disability employment models aren’t working for many people with intellectual and developmental disability, which perpetuates high unemployment and poor job matches,” said Jan Kruger, Executive Director of Imagine More. “People with disability have a lot to contribute to workplaces. Customised Employment gives employers greater confidence when hiring, training, and supervising people with disability.”

“We welcome the release of these animated videos, as they distil the principles of Customised Employment into a format that is both understandable and actionable for employers,” says Greg Harford, CEO of Canberra Business Chamber. “These resources play a vital role in demystifying the process and showing how easily Customised Employment can be integrated into business practices.”

The animated videos are available on Imagine More’s website and YouTube channel.

Imagine More is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fostering inclusive communities where people with disability are valued and supported. It aims to empower families with the tools and knowledge needed to advocate for inclusive opportunities in education, employment, and community life.  Imagine More is not a service provider.

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For more information, please contact Jan Kruger, Executive Director of Imagine More

  • jan@imaginemore.org.au
  • 0458 282 545