Self-managing your NDIS plan 2023

A workshop designed for families who are considering self-managing their NDIS funding.

If you or a family member has an NDIS plan, you’ll likely be aware there are three ways to manage your funding:

  • NDIA-managed
  • Plan-managed, and
  • Self-managed.

Self-managing can provide the most flexibility when it comes to utilising NDIS funding.

The NDIS website lists the benefits of self-managing as follows:

  • Choice in deciding what supports you purchase in line with what is included in your plan, who provides these supports and how they are delivered.
  • Flexibility to use any provider that will best help you to pursue your plan goals.
  • Capacity to employ or contract staff directly or have someone employ staff on your behalf.
  • Ability to negotiate the costs of your supports to get the best value for money and to use savings to buy more or better quality supports.
  • Control over and responsibility for your NDIS funding so you can manage your own budget for the duration of your plan.

Along with these benefits come responsibilities: purchasing support, managing your funding, and managing others. Unfortunately, the perceived onus of these responsibilities often dissuades people from pursuing self-management.

So in August 2023, we held a workshop to help families

  • make informed decisions about whether or not to self-manage
  • figure out how to make the most of the benefits of self-management, and
  • learn how to meet their self-management responsibilities more efficiently.

We hope you enjoy the recording of this workshop.