Request for Feedback on Restrictive Practice Guidelines

About the Office of the Senior Practitioner

From 1 September 2018, the Senior Practitioner Act 2018 (the Act) provides a formal framework for the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices by service providers in the ACT. It also provides the powers and functions of the Senior Practitioner.

The Act enshrines the principle that service providers should only use restrictive practices in very limited circumstances – as a last resort, in the least restrictive way and for the shortest period possible in the circumstances.

The legislation does not intend to enable the use of restrictive practices; it is intended to provide a formal framework for reducing and eliminating them in the ACT.

Mandy Donley has been appointed as the ACT’s inaugural Senior Practitioner, commencing in the role on 5 July 2018.

For further information, please visit the website of the Office of the Senior Practitioner ACT.

Request for Feedback on Documentation

The Office of the Senior Practitioner is requesting feedback on the following documentation:

  1. Draft guidelines for Practice (the generic guidelines for the three sectors, education, disability and care and protection based on the legislation). These guidelines are subordinate legislation and must reflect the legislation.
  2. Draft Positive Behaviour Support Plan guidance document (this is also generic to the three sectors).
  3. Draft Restrictive Practice Data Reporting guidance document (relevant for the sectors using this tool, some sectors have pre-existing mechanisms).

Please provide your feedback to:

Dr Sheridan Kerr


Office of the Senior Practitioner │ Community Services Directorate | ACT Government

Level 8, 11 Moore St, Canberra City │ GPO Box 158, CANBERRA ACT 2601 |