Tips for Families from Families

Inclusive education is complex and requires thoughtful planning and collaboration to realise success. Here's some tips from families who have sought to have their children included in mainstream schools.

The front cover of the booklet "Inclusive Education: Tips for Families from Families"We asked six parents to share their top tips about inclusion in mainstream primary school. These families are at different stages of their child’s school journey. Each family has used creativity and lateral thinking about inclusion. They have worked in partnership with schools to achieve inclusive education for their child.

We asked them for tips about

  • adapting the classroom environment
  • learning the same curriculum
  • transition
  • social inclusion at school
  • home-school communication
  • building good relationships with teachers

We collated these tips into a small booklet to share with other families. You can download it here.

Download Inclusive Education – Tips for Families from Families PDF (469 KB)

We are so grateful for the families who have kindly taken the time to pass on what they have learned. You know who you are….thank you!