A conversation with John and Jan

Shifting the "yes, buts" and how being known can keep you safe

This is an unscripted conversation between John Armstrong and Jan Kruger, drawing on their reflections of earlier presentations at the Get That Good Life! conference.

John and Jan’s conversation explored:

  • how people with disability exceeded expectations when they had the opportunity
  • how being known can keep people safe
  • why being present is the first step to being known
  • why you don’t need to speak to make connections and hold valued roles
  • how support can act as a bridge to connection

About John Armstrong

John armstrong speaking into microphone while presenting on stageJohn Armstrong has worked with people and families of people with a disability for over 40 years. He has worked as a trainer and consultant across many settings with individuals, families and agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand.

John is one of only two Senior Trainers of SRV (Social Role Valorisation) in Australia. He has presented on the topic of SRV in many international forums. He contributed two chapters of the recently-published book: Aging and the Good Things of Life: The Application of Social Role Valorization to Supporting People as They Age.

About Jan Kruger

Jan Kruger is the Executive Director of Imagine More. She has been a strong advocate for people to live valued and inclusive lives for many years.

In 2013, Jan co-founded Imagine More in the ACT to strengthen family leadership and advocacy for people with a disability. She advocates for people with disability to

  • hold valued social roles
  • develop meaningful relationships and
  • live typical lives in their communities.

Jack, Jan’s son, has been her most valuable teacher. He’s helped her understand how to support people with disability to get the good things of life by following a typical life path. Jan’s ongoing study of Social Role Valorisation (SRV) taught her the importance of valued roles. She became aware that valued roles allow people to participate in and contribute to their community, and relationships can flourish. The SRV framework now guides Jan’s family and Imagine More. Jan has also invested in learning about customised employment. This knowledge was invaluable in preparing Jack for life after school.

Jan and her family continuously work towards building an ordinary, inclusive life for Jack. Over the years, the family have seen Jack flourish and become a valued member of his community.