Roles Based Recruitment

Start date: December 2018 Completion date: June 2019

Funded by National Disability Services and the ACT Workforce Impact Collective (WIC)

Imagine More led a pilot project, supported by National Disability Services, to explore how families can find support staff using a Roles Based Recruitment approach

About the Roles Based Recruitment Project

The project, overseen by the NDS, aimed to increase choice and control of people living with disability by improving the quality, capacity and sustainability of the ACT disability workforce. The funded projects looked at improving how the workforce is attracted, retained and sustained.

Project Outcomes

Imagine More delivered:

  • A literature review of best practice recruitment
  • An analysis of how the role of support workers is described in job advertisements
    Participants will be supported with a
  • Roles based recruitment framework and resources
  • Support to five families to recruit staff for specific roles
  • Support to induct new staff  through the development of an induction framework and resources
  • Resources to support families who self manage their NDIS funding


Roles-Based Recruitment Resources

Explore our Roles Based Recruitment resources