Getting a Real Job Using Connections, Networks, and Champions

Start date: September 2019 Completion date: October 2020

Funded by NDIA - Community Inclusion Capacity Development program. Information, Linkages and Capacity Building

About the Initiative

This project aimed to highlight bespoke approaches to discovering meaningful open employment for young people with disability using their networks, connections, and champions.

Project Outcomes

Virtual Conference: Let’s Get to Work

Because of the pandemic our planned face-to-face conference wasn’t able to go ahead. Instead, we held a virtual conference that attracted 685 registrations. The conference highlighted:

  • Different approaches in identifying a person’s strengths, interests, and attributes
  • Detailed information captured during work experience that translated into paid work roles
  • The role of workplace champions
  • The role of the family/Circle of Support, and
  • How to establish and safeguard a  microenterprise.

Digital Stories

We created four videos that included the perspectives of people with disability, their families, workplace champions, and job mentors. These stories shared insights into how they individually and collectively contributed to the development of meaningful work roles for young people.