Session 6 – Monday, August 30

Reimagining Funding

We hope you enjoyed our sixth and final session in this series. The focus was on planning for funding by focusing on our family members’ valued roles and goals.

Session Recording

This is an edited recording of session 6. Playing time: 43 minutes, 24 seconds.

Session Summary

If you would like a worksheet to break down the above process for each valued role your son/daughter is seeking to obtain you can download one below.

Download the Session 6 Worksheet (PDF, 31 KB)

We also talked about the different fund management options and noted that this is a preference you want to nominate at the time of any planning meetings.

If you would like to find more information about self-managing NDIS funding the following resources may be helpful:

No matter which funding option you choose the following tips for NDIS preparation are good to keep in mind:

  • Take the lead in the planning process – leave your family member’s written vision and clearly articulated goals with the planner.
  • Let the vision define the need otherwise you will have a narrow vision that will only attract therapy. Therapy is only one way to address a need.
  • Know what your non-negotiables are if you are using services. Who, When, Where, and What.
  • Self-managing is the most flexible way to use your funding, don’t be scared!
  • Engage support for a defined purpose.
  • Make sure your goals are role and outcome-focused.
  • Don’t forget to invest in the freely given supports – they will be there for the long term.
  • Dream big for an extraordinarily ordinary life!

And that brings us to the completion of this Making the Most of Your Funding workshop series. We thank each and every one of you for taking part, it has been a pleasure to work with this wonderful group. We hope this won’t be the end of your journeys though and we encourage you all to contact us if we can support you in any way as you continue pursuing the Good Life for your family member.