Every student can contribute

A 90-minute workshop for school career advisors, educators, and families of secondary school students with disability.

In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, the transition from school to work represents a significant milestone for all students, particularly those with disability.

It can be difficult for young people with disability to compete with their non-disabled peers for traditional jobs. However, people with disability are very successful in finding and keeping a job when a Customised Employment approach is used.

Presented by Customised Employment consultant Milton Tyree, the workshop content aligns with current practices and frameworks that support the career development of students with disability.

This engaging 90-minute workshop was primarily designed for school-based career advisors but is also relevant to families and professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of Customised Employment. We hope that everyone who watches it can see there are ways to ensure that every student’s potential is fully realised and valued in the workforce.

Presented by Customised Employment consultant Milton Tyree, the workshop content aligns with current practices and frameworks that support the career development of students with disability.


Download the presentation slides (PDF, 1 MB)

Key themes and learning objectives

Introduction to Customised Employment (CE)

Understand the essence of Customised Employment and how it diverges from traditional post-school pathways, emphasising its role in achieving equitable employment outcomes.

Integrating CE within the curriculum

Explore how CE can complement existing career planning tools and curriculum, particularly through elective units for senior students and incorporating discovery resources into Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).

The Discovery Process

Gain insights into the Discovery phase, its purpose, school-level implementation, and support for students and families in navigating this journey.


A premise of this workshop is that students who find it difficult to compete for employment in the open market nevertheless have the skills and interest in contributing to an organisation and making a difference. This information can be applied to students exploring pathways to open employment and careers, as well as Work Experience, Australian School-Based Apprenticeships (ASBAs), and microenterprises (solo businesses).

About Milton Tyree

Portrait of Milton TyreeHailing from Kentucky in the USA, Milton Tyree is a consultant working with Marc Gold & Associates, pioneers in the field of Customised Employment (CE). Alongside his decades of experience in customising employment, Milton applies the principles of Social Role Valorisation (SRV) to enhance employment outcomes for people with disability. He’s also a wonderful teacher who illustrates CE theory with real-life examples. We’re delighted he’s returning to Canberra to teach this workshop in person.

Early in his career, Milton was a high school special education teacher. While he loved teaching, he was concerned that his students were all graduating with nothing to do. Having come across Marc Gold’s teachings, he left education and began helping young (and older) adults find valued work based on their interests and skills.

School to work banner: Imagining work, discovering work, finding work

This event was developed in 2024 as part of our School to Work project.