The rationale for social integration

In this continuing series exploring Social Role Valorisation (SRV) theory, Senior SRV Trainer John Armstrong has been covering some of the topics that aren’t covered in the two-day SRV workshop.

In this presentation, John leads us through the rationale for social integration.

One way of defining the term “social integration” is this:

The successful participation by a person in a culturally typical number of contacts, interactions, relationships, and roles with ordinary and valued citizens in valued (or at least ordinary) activities and in valued (or at least ordinary) physical and social settings at the right time.

While that’s quite a mouthful, John goes on to explain why social integration is so important for devalued people, including people with disability. He explains that to have a valued social role,  you need to be around valued people and be recognised as having a valued social role.

This presentation was recorded during our Social Role Valorisation Peer Group meeting in November 2023. John’s other presentations are in our website’s SRV resource collection.

If you want to join one of our peer groups, please visit our page about currently running peer groups.

Meet John Armstrong

John armstrong speaking into microphone while presenting on stageJohn Armstrong has worked with people and families of people with a disability for over 40 years. He has worked as a trainer and consultant across many settings with individuals, families and agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand.

John is one of only two Senior Trainers of SRV (Social Role Valorisation) in Australia. He has presented on the topic of SRV in many international forums. He contributed two chapters of the recently published book Ageing and the Good Things of Life: The Application of Social Role Valorization to Supporting People as They Age.