Will at work

Will Coventry presented on Day 2 of the Opening Opportunities conference alongside his mother, Anna Coventry. They shared their journey in crafting a meaningful week of work and volunteering with the support of Will's Circle of Support.

In this presentation, you will hear about:

  • Will’s vision for lifelong employment
  • when and why Will’s family decided to look for volunteering and employment roles for Will
  • the steps his family took to explore and set up work experience, volunteering and employment, with the help of Will’s circle of support
  • the role Will’s school played and what it might have done to make the transition from school to work even more successful
  • what Will’s family and supporters have done to sustain paid work
  • how good workplace relationships have been nurtured, including through the use of Will’s alternative communication method
  • the supports that are in place to help Will succeed.

Meet Will Coventry

Portrait of Will Coventry

Will graduated from school in 2016. Since leaving school, Will has worked part-time as an administrative assistant in three businesses in Brisbane’s CBD. He also volunteers at Meals on Wheels one day a week.

Will enjoys sports and is a member of The Renegades, a touch football team. He is a Broncos and Reds rugby supporter. He also loves taking photos, listening to music, and hanging out with friends and family.

Meet Anna Coventry

Portrait of Anna Coventry

Anna Coventry is an Occupational Therapist who has a private practice in Brisbane, conducting functional and care needs assessments. She is married to Keith, and they have two adult sons, Henry and Will. Will lives with a complex disability.

Anna self-manages Will’s NDIS plan and is involved in Will’s Circle of Support. The circle consists of significant people in Will’s life who support Will in fulfilling his vision of living a good life, including work, contributing to his community, and planning to live in a home of his own.