Session 4 – Monday, August 16

Planning Good Days

This session continues building on the content from Session 3. It focuses on developing ideas for each individual based on their interests.

We asked participants of Janet’s original Building a Context for Relationship webinar (in 2020) what they thought about her five-pillar framework and what the key messages were. This is what they said:

  • It starts with the person
  • Creating opportunities
  • Relationship takes time
  • Patience and persistence guided by the good principles
  • Extraordinarily ordinary stories
  • Valued and genuine roles in community
  • Relationships are safeguards for the person
  • Going further with interests than we might – exploring further, great things take time
  • The ‘bridging’ work
  • So many natural opportunities in our community
  • Intentionality, listening, trialling, reflecting, learning
  • A person’s differences don’t need to be negative – we can look at a positive outcome
  • To start where you are and start small

We recommend that you seek roles that are

  • embedded in the community – always look for typical and ordinary
  • the role that is the most highly valued by society
  • and to look for the role that might not be typically approached. For example, RSPCA and Vinnies are organisations that get approached by the disability sector a lot.

Brainstorming the Interests of the Person – From this session

Colour key:

  • Yellow = Role
  • Green = Place
  • Pink = People

An interest in forensics

Brainstorm of an interest in forensics

An interest in organising/sorting

Brainstorm of an interest in organising and sorting

An interest in music/live performance

Brainstorm of an interest in music and live performance

An interest in coding

Brainstorm of an interest in coding

An interest in creative media

Brainstorm of an interest in creative media

An interest in comedy

Brainstorm of an interest in comedy

An interest in ancestry

Brainstorm of an interest in ancestory

An interest in animals

A brainstorm of an interest in animals - 1

A brainstorm of an interest in animals 2

Brainstorming the Interests of the Person – Other Examples

In the example below,

  • Role is blue
  • Place is red
  • People are green

Some more examples










Brainstorm of possible roles associated with sports


Brainstorming of all the roles associated with horses


Brainstorm of all of the roles associated with cooking