We are very excited to welcome Chloe to the Get That Good Life! conference. Chloe will be sharing the story about her successful microenterprise.
About Chloe
Chloe Reid is a 21-year-old Canberra local with a strong interest in fashion and design.
With her mum Jodie’s support, she established a small business called Mrs Clompys Closet. A conversation with one of Jodie’s work colleagues led to an order of scrunchies for a local girls’ soccer team. Suddenly, Chloe found herself with an exciting niche!
Chloe has recently launched her virtual shop on Etsy. She now sells hair scrunchies and beautiful lavender pillows to customers all over Australia. Mrs Clompys Closet can be found on Etsy, Instagram and Facebook.
Chloe’s Presentation
Think Big, Go Micro!
Chloe Reid and Jodie Reid
Most people experience a micro-business when they are young. They might look after a friend’s pet or mow a neighbour’s lawn and receive some money or other item of value in return. Such micro-businesses teach young people valuable lessons about work, money, saving, and contribution.
Unfortunately, young people with disability often miss out on enjoying such experiences of work.
When COVID-19 changed Chloe’s plans for employment, Chloe and her family decided to think big and try a microenterprise.
In this presentation, Chloe and her mother Jodie will outline how they
- identified Chloe’s skills and interests
- utilised their personal networks
- and developed a successful microenterprise.
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More About Chloe
You can connect with Chloe and Mrs Clompy’s Closet on the following platforms:
- Mrs Clompy’s Closet on Etsy
- Mrs Clompy’s Closet on Facebook
- Mrs Clompy’s Closet on Instagram
- Email mrsclompyscloset@gmail.com