A coronavirus particle

Accessible information and resources about COVID-19

Here are some resources about COVID-19 that people with disabilities may find helpful. If you have found other resources that are accessible and helpful, please tell us about them via our contact form, and we’ll add them to this list.

Easy Read Resources

About COVID-19

  • Easy Read Resources About COVID-19 – A collection of fact sheets and guides about COVID-19 in Easy Read format from the Australian Government’s Department of Health
  • COVID WordsInformation specific to the ACT – An Easy read glossary that explains the terms most frequently used when talking about COVID-19. Published by Advocacy for Inclusion
  • What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)? – An Easy English booklet written by Advocacy for Inclusion
  • What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)? (video) – An Easy English video produced by Advocacy for Inclusion

About COVID-19 Vaccines

About COVID-19 Tests

  • I have been tested for coronavirus – An Easy English booklet by Scope (no longer available)
  • Someone I live with has been tested for the coronavirus – An Easy English booklet by Scope (no longer available)

Information about Lockdown

Social Stories

The following social stories can be found on the Autism Spectrum Australia website

  • People Wearing Masks
  • My Coronavirus Social Story
  •  Social Distancing Social Story
  • Returning to Normal – Social Story

Here are some social stories by Scope

  • I must wear a face mask (no longer available)

Other Resources

  • Talking about Coronavirus – Communication board by Scope (no longer available)
  • Other resources by Scope (no longer available)

Lockdown Activity Ideas