Cassandra presented on Day 1 of the Opening Opportunities conference alongside Genna and Jessie Ward on the theme of developing roles.
About Cassandra Morrow
Cassandra is a self-employed Job Mentor/Life Skills Developer and has worked in this role with Jessie and Genna since 2017. She has been a Feldenkrais teacher for over 20 years and has her own private practice. Before that, she worked in the early childhood field. The linking thread has been her passion for individual development and dignity and seeing people live their best lives.
When she’s not working, Cassandra enjoys being in the bush, bird watching and the chance to be quiet with a good book.
Developing roles that align with Jessie’s interests and contributions
Genna Ward, Jessie Ward, and Cassandra Morrow
Genna, Jessie, and Cassandra discussed their experience with Job Development, focusing on Jessie’s role in after-hours school care. They explained:
- the Discovery process and how it helped Jessie to identify her interests and employment aspirations clearly
- how they reached out to people they knew to help them brainstorm employment ideas and approach potential workplaces
- how they created volunteering and employment opportunities using the Customised Employment approach
- the role of a Job Coach and how their understanding of the role has evolved
- the Job Development process: what worked, what didn’t, and how they overcame obstacles
- what was needed for Jessie to be successful in the workplace, including:
- clear expectations of what she will do
- enough hours to have a meaningful working week
- avoiding big noisy environments
- consistent co-workers
- supported study
- support to understand appropriate expectations.
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