Libby Ellis

Libby Ellis's presentation is called Safeguarding the future: A sibling's view

Portrait of Libby Ellis

Libby Ellis lives in Hobart, Australia. She has two brothers: a younger brother, James, and an older brother, Matthew (who has a disability). She is married to Sebastian.

Libby has walked many steps with Matthew. For a number of reasons, he left his family home when he was nine and lived in a hostel and then group homes until his mid-twenties. At this time, Matthew’s family assisted him in moving into his own home. Matthew’s story of change has seen him move from a passive recipient of care in institutional settings to an active citizen in his own home and community.

Libby works for a vivid vision of inclusion. For 25 years, she has assisted others in taking centre stage in their own lives, most recently focussed on achieving home. Libby founded a capacity-building organisation called InCharge in 2011. Since then, she has worked at Housing Hub as their Housing Options Facilitator and Summer Foundation as their Person-Centred Housing Specialist. She is currently the Individualised Living Program Manager at Mable.

Safeguarding the future: A sibling’s view

How can we create space for parents and siblings to come together to safeguard their person’s good life?

Brothers and sisters are likely to have the longest relationships with their disabled siblings, perhaps lasting more than 70 years. Therefore, a brother or sister might become critical to safeguarding their sibling’s future well-being.

It can be a difficult subject to broach. It can be emotionally challenging, and the sheer weight of day-to-day life can be overwhelming enough. A strong system of support, however, will be more sustainable when siblings’ roles and thoughts are given space to breathe and materialise.

Libby drew on her own experience and many conversations with other brothers and sisters to share some helpful strategies with parents, siblings, and professionals in the room.

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