Cathy McMahon

Cathy McMahon and Josey McMahon presented at the Safeguarding the Future conference. Their presentation is called Never too late to get a life.

Portrait of Cathy McMahon

Cathy McMahon’s childhood was spent in rural Queensland with her large family. At age 11, she moved to a large institution, where she remained for 47 years.

Nine years ago, Cathy embraced the opportunity to move, and she now lives an entirely different life in a home on the Gold Coast just around the corner from her sister Josey. Making up for lost time, Cathy is an artist and an active and valued member of her local community, including her local church.

Never too late to get a life

This is the story of twin sisters Josey and Cathy, whose lives diverged at the age of 11. For the next 47 years, Cathy lived away from her family in a large institution. Many decades later, the sisters’ very different life paths eventually joined again.

In this session, the sisters explained how Josey rethought what was possible for Cathy and helped her move out of the institution and reconnect with their family and the wider world once again. Once Cathy moved into her own home, Josey supported her in becoming an active and valued member of her local community.

Cathy and Josey spoke about what it took to convince others that Cathy would thrive in the local community with appropriate support. Now in their late sixties, they also explained what they’ve put in place to safeguard Cathy’s future.

At its heart, this story is about personal change, reconnection, and the power of family and relationships.

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