Cathy Ludlum

Cathy Ludlum and Jo Massarelli presented the second pre-conference webinar on Wednesday, 8 May 2024. Their presentation is called Medical Safeguarding: Addressing vulnerability in medical settings.

Portrait of Cathy Ludlum

Cathy Ludlum’s personal and professional activities focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of community life. As a person with a disability and an employer of personal assistants since 1988, Cathy brings an extensive background in the recruitment, hiring, and management of support staff. She has written several books, including a manual on how to hire personal assistants.

Most recently, as the Employer Liaison for the Connecticut Association of Personal Assistants (CTAPA), Cathy has been assisting employers by providing information about Medicaid waiver programs, management tips, and creative brainstorming.

Cathy Ludlum is an associate of the SRV Implementation Project, working on the issue of the vulnerability of people with impairments in medical settings.  She teaches workshops with Jo Massarelli on medical safeguarding and on demystifying assisted hydration and nutrition, or what it is like to have a g-tube.

Cathy has lived independently (with support) since 1992.

Medical safeguarding: Addressing vulnerability in medical settings

It seems at odds to think that safeguarding is necessary in healthcare settings such as hospitals. After all, all medical settings, especially hospitals, are places filled with talented health professionals whose edict is to do no harm. Yet the experience of many people with disability (and other marginalised groups, including the elderly and people with poor mental health) is that whenever they are hospitalised, they are exposed to grave dangers that jeopardise their health and safety.

In this powerful session, Jo Massarelli and Cathy Ludlum explored what needs to be done to safeguard vulnerable people in a healthcare setting. From the perspective of an advocate and a person who manages her own practical care, they shared practical information about how to ensure good outcomes during hospital stays.

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